Negative cards as advice? – 9 of Swords

I’ve never known anyone to ask for advice on no particular issue. People want to know how to get what they want: love, money, health, etc. The questions are more along the lines of “How can I reconcile with my boyfriend?” or “How can I make more money?” You can get some context from neighboring cards. 2 of Cups + 9 of Swords could be a warning about a new romantic interest. But warning your sitter that this person will bring misery isn’t advising them. It’s up to the sitter to decide whether to pursue the relationship or not. You warned them, your job is done. I firmly believe that “advice in general” from a single card with no context at all is something to be avoided, as it too easily comes from the reader’s personal opinions rather than the cards. As @timtoldrum said recently, “As for advice, for me, the reader doesn’t offer advice or even opinions. The moment we do so, we forsake our neutrality.”

I think something finally clicked for me on this topic about advice and opinions. So I’m going to use this thread to clarify myself on this topic. This isn’t changing things I’ve said in the past, just clarifying what I meant by what I said. IMO, tarot readers should never tell a querent “you need to do this” or “you shouldn’t do that” or even “If I was you, I would..” and the context of the reading itself is everything. But saying “Here is one way of looking at that situation” or helping the querent establish what their choices are and all the qualities that make a good therapist also make a good tarot reader. However, a tarot reading isn’t therapy, even when done by a therapist. But? When a querent looks at the cards on the table then looks you the reader in the face and says “What should I do?” saying back to them “Maybe you should write down a list of the benefits of doing X compared to the benefits of doing Y” -is- giving them advice, but it is not telling them what to do and it is still just a suggestion and not a demand. Advice should always be about empowering the querent to make decisions for themselves, to act for themselves, not directing the course of their actions. And this is true of both therapists and tarot readers 🙂

This post was last modified on December 6, 2024 7:39 am