80+ Day of the Dead Quotes in Spanish

80+ Day of the Dead Quotes in Spanish

80+ Day of the Dead Quotes in Spanish

dia de los muertos quotes in spanish

In today’s post, I want to share an ongoing list of 80+ Day of the Dead quotes in Spanish with you.

Día de los Muertos is a Mexican holiday celebrated on November 1st and 2nd. On those two days the living celebrate their loved ones who have passed into their afterlife. In honoring the dead, they keep their spirits alive.

If you are looking to honor this beautiful holiday, enjoy this list of Day of the Dead quotes in Spanish.

If you don’t speak Spanish, no fret. For each quote I have provided my best English translation.

Use these Day of the Dead quotes in Spanish in a card, or text message to cheer up a loved one or to remind yourself that although it’s hard parting with someone, we can keep their beautiful souls alive by celebrating them regularly.


1. “Al igual que un día bien aprovechado trae buen sueño, una vida bien aprovechada trae una muerte feliz.” Leonardo da Vinci

“Just like a day well spent brings good dreams, a life well spent brings a happy death.”

2. “En el día de muertos, honramos a aquellos que amamos y que ya no están entre nosotros.”

“On the Day of the Dead we honor those that we love and that are no longer with us.”

3. “La gente que vive profundamente no tiene miedo de la muerte.” Anaïs Nin

“People that live deeply are not scared of death.”

4. “La pregunta no es si vamos a morir, sino cómo vamos a vivir.” Joan Borysenko

“The question is not whether we are going to dy, but rather how we are going to live.”

5. “La muerte no es lo opuesto a la vida, sino una parte de ella.” Haruki Murakami

“Death isn’t the opposite of life, but rather a part of it.”

6. “La vida de los muertos perdura en la memoria de los vivos.”

“The life of the dead lasts in the memories of the living.”

7. “A la muerte, ni temerla ni buscarla, hay que esperarla.”

“One must wait for death, neither fearing nor searching for it.”

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8. “Buen amor y buena muerte, eso es suerte.”

“Good love and good death, that is luck.”

9. “Prefiero morir cantando, como mueren las cigarras.” Raymundo Pérez y Soto

“I prefer to die singing, like when cicadas die.”

10. “La muerte es una ley, no un castigo.” Jean Dubos

“Death is a law, not a punishment.”

11. Por todos los que ya estuvieron con nosotros e hicieron mejores nuestras vidas.”

“For all of those who were with us and made our lives better.

12. “Quien quiera gozar de veras y divertirse un ratón, venga con las calaveras a gozar en el panteón.”

“Whoever wants to enjoy themselves and have a good time, come with your skulls to have fun in the vault.”

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14. “Siempre tendré presente tu cuerpo y tu voz, aunque pase el tiempo y no te encuentre entre nosotros, tu alma sigue conmigo.”

“Your body and voice will always be in my mind, because even though time goes on and you are no longer among us, your soul is still with me.”

15. “La muerte es una vida vivida. La vida es una muerte que viene” -Jorge Luis Borges

“Death is a life lived. Life is a death that is coming.”

16. Con flores nos reciben y entre ellas nos despiden.”

“We are received with flowers and among them we are dismissed.”

17. “Vivir en los corazones que dejamos atrás no es morir.” Thomas Campbell

“Living in the hearts of those left behind is not dying.”

18. “Solo se muere cuando se olvida, y nosotros nunca te olvidaremos.”

“One only dies when he is forgotten, and we will never forget you.”

19. “Del que ha muerto, debemos atesorar su memoria, de forma más presente que una persona que vive.” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

“We should treasure the memory of he who has died, in a more present way than a person who lives.”

20. “Día de muertos un festejo donde dos mundos son uno solo.”

“Day of the Dead is a festival where two worlds become one.

21. “No quiero morir sin antes haber amado, pero tampoco quiero morir de amor.”

“I don’t want to die without having first loved, but I also don’t want to die from love.”

22. “Hoy tus antepasados te bendecirán y te guiarán… ¡feliz día de muertos!”

“Today your ancestors are blessing and guiding you. Happy Day of the Dead

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23. “No me llores, no, porque si lloras yo peno. En cambio si tú me cantas, yo siempre vivo y nunca muero.” Andrés Henestrosa

“Don’t cry for me, not, because if you cry I grieve. Instead if you sing for me, I will always be alive and I will never die.

24. “Si nada nos salva de la muerte, que al menos el amor nos salve de la vida.” Pablo Neruda

“If nothing saves us from death, may at least love save us from life.”

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25. “No lloramos, celebramos, porque los que más amamos no olvidamos.”

“Let’s not cry, let’s celebrate, because we don’t forget those who we love the most.”

26. “La muerte es más universal que la vida.”

“Death is more universal than life.”

27. “Que estas ofrendas honren al que se fue, y fijen el recuerdo al que se quedó.”

“May these offerings honor those who are gone, and leave their memory on those who remain.”

28. “Con alegría y amor celebramos este día para no olvidar a los que más queremos.”

“With happiness and love we celebrate this day so that we don’t forget those who we love the most.”

29. “Recordar es volver a vivir, recordar a los que se fueron es mantenerlos vivos.”

“Remembering is reliving, remembering those who are gone is keeping them alive.”

30. “Que la vida sea tan hermosa como las flores del verano y la muerte tan bella como las hojas del otoño.” Rabindranath Tagore

“May life be as beautiful as the flowers of summer and death as lovely as the fall leaves.”

31. “No olvides a tus muertos pues ellos siempre están cerca de ti.”

“Don’t forget the dead for they are always close to you.”

32. “El amor es una de las respuestas que el hombre ha inventado para mirar de frente a la muerte.” Octavio Paz

“Love is one of the responses that man has invented to look death in the face.”

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33. “La muerte no llega con la vejez, sino con el olvido.” Gabriel García Márquez

“Death doesn’t come at old age, but with forget.”

34. “La muerte termina una vida, no una relación.” Morrie Schwartz

“Love ends a life, not a relationship.”

35. “Al vivo todo le falta y al muerto todo le sobra.”

“The living lacks everything, everything overflows for the dead.”

*Idiom meaning: For one who´s alive nothing´s quite enough, while for one who’s dead nothing´s too much.

36. “La muerte nos sonríe a todos, lo único que puede hacer el hombre es devolverle la sonrisa.”

“Death smiles at us all, the only thing a man can do is return the smile.”

37. “Lo único que nos separa de la muerte es el tiempo.” Ernest Hemingway

“The only thing that separates us from death is time.”

38. “Lo que esconde el más allá, tras la muerte se sabrá.”

Whatever the afterlife hides, beyond death one will find out.”

39. “Vale más un cobarde en casa, que un valiente en el cementerio.”

“A coward at home is worth more than a brave man in the grave.”

40. “​​Todo hombre muere. No todo hombre vive.” William Wallace

“Every man dies. Not all men live.”

41. “La muerte nunca le cae por sorpresa al sabio. El siempre está preparado para partir.” – Jean de la Fontaine

“Death never comes as a surprise to the wise man. He is always ready to go.”

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42. “La muerte es tan cierta como la hora incierta.”

“Death is so certain, like the uncertain hour.”

43. “Hay tres cosas en qué meditar: la vida, la muerte y la eternidad.”

“There are three things to meditate on: life, death and eternity.”

44. “La muerte es el final de una historia y el comienzo de otra.” Philip Moeller

“Death is the end of a story and the beginning of another.”

45. “Solo los muertos han visto el final de la guerra.” Platón

“Only the dead have seen the end of the war.”

46. “La muerte no es más que pasar de una habitación a otra.” Hellen Keller

“Death is no more than going from one room to another.”

47. “La vida es agradable. La muerte es pacífica. La transición es problemática.” Isaac Asimov

“Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. The transition is problematic.”

48. “No tomes muy en serio la vida, porque no saldremos de ella con vida.”

“Don’t take life too seriously, because we will not leave it with life.”

49. “El que no teme a la muerte muere solo una vez.” Giovanni Falcone

“He who does not fear death dies only once.”

50. “La vida es demasiado corta cuando piensas en la longitud de la muerte.” Sean Mangan

“Life’s too short when you think about the span of death.”

51. “Después de todo, la muerte es sólo un síntoma de que hubo vida.” Mario Benedetti

“After all, death is only a symptom that there was life.”

52. “La muerte no es el último sueño, es el último despertar.” sir Walter Scott

“Death is not the last dream, it’s the last awakening.”

53. “Como te ves…me vi. Como me ves… te verás”

“Just as you see yourself, I saw myself. As you see me now, you will see yourself.”

54. “Para una mente bien organizada, la muerte no es más que la siguiente gran aventura.” J.K. Rowling

“For an organized mind, death is no more than the next big adventure.”

55. “La muerte es un escondite encantador para hombres cansados.” Heródoto

“Death is the enchanting hiding place for tired men.”

56. “El que a hierro mata, a hierro muere.”

He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword.”

57. “Hay muertos que no olvido y vivos que para mí ya murieron.”

“There are deaths that I do not forget and living people that for me are already dead.”

58. “El miedo a la muerte se deriva del miedo a la vida. Un hombre que vive plenamente está preparado para morir en cualquier momento.” Mark Twain

“Fear of death derives from the fear of life. A man that lives fully is prepared to die at any moment. “

59. “La muerte está tan segura de alcanzarnos que nos da toda una vida de ventaja.”

“Death is so certain to catch us that it gives us a whole life head start.”

60. “De muertos y tragones están llenos los panteones.”

“The pantheons are filled with dead people and gluttons.”

61. “La muerte no es más que un giro del tiempo hacia la eternidad.” William Penn

“Death is nothing more than a turn of time towards eternity.”

62. “La muerte no es lo opuesto a la vida, sino una parte de ella.” Haruki Murakami

“Death isn’t the opposite of life, but rather a part of it.”

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63. “Cuando naces, lloras y el mundo se alegra. Cuando mueres, te alegras y el mundo llora.” Proverbio budista

“When you are born, you cry and the world rejoices. When you die, you rejoice and the world cries.”

64. “No es más grande aquel que más ocupa, sino aquel que deja un vacío en su ausencia.”

He who is more occupied is not bigger, but rather he who leaves a void in his absence.

65. “Toda persona en la vida termina de la misma forma. Son solo los detalles de cómo vivieron y cómo murieron lo que distingue a unas de otras.”

“Each person in life ends in the same way. It is the details of how they lived and how they died that distinguishes one from another.”


66. “La muerte es lo único seguro en esta vida.”

“Death is the only certain thing in this life.”

67. “Al fin que para morir nacimos.”

“At the end, we all die to live.”

68. “Todo tiene remedio menos la muerte.”

“Everything has a remedy except death.”

69. “La muerte no espera a ninguno.”

“Death doesn’t wait for anyone.”

70. “Morir no es nada. Lo terrible es no vivir.” Victor Hugo

“Dying isn’t anything. The worst is not living.”

71. “A la muerte con una sonrisa.”

“To death with a smile.”

72. “Nadie sale vivo de esta vida.”

“No one leaves this life alive.”

73. “Muerto el perro, se acabó la rabia.”

“Once the dog is dead, the rabies end.”

74. “El muerto al pozo y el vivo al gozo.”

The dead to the well and the living to the joy.

75. “Comamos y bebamos que mañana moriremos.” Profeta Isaías

“Let’s drink and eat because tomorrow we will die.”

76. “Lo que no mata, te fortalece.

“That what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.”

77. “En México la muerte es cultura viva.

“In Mexico, death is living culture.”

78. “No estaba muerto, andaba de parranda.

“He wasn’t dead, he was out partying.”

79. “Hasta que la muerte los separe.”

“Until they are separated by death.”

80. “Lo que mata no es la muerte, si no la mala suerte.”

“That what kills isn’t death, but bad luck.”

I hope you enjoyed these Day of the Dead quotes in Spanish! ¡Feliz Día de los Muertos!

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This post was last modified on December 9, 2024 6:32 am