
One of the greatest tragedies in life is a person who is living a lie. It’s not so much a lie that somebody else has made up about that person, it’s a lie s/he has created herself. Somewhere along the way life happened. And life can be really difficult at times. There are heartaches that can leave you breathless, hopeless and senseless. Maybe something unfair has happened which took you by surprise. However, instead of facing the truth about the situation, the people involved or about yourself, these people tend to hide. The choice will instead be to take on a victim mentality and blaming the rest of the world, because it’s easier to blame somebody else than facing your own weaknesses, flaws, fears and insecurities. It’s easier to focus on somebody else’s issues and problems and accusing them, instead of looking within and facing the truth about yourself. These people are masters of disguise. They’ve mastered their lives, so they think. But in the process, parts of them die. They turn off. Put on masks to survive. Anything to protect their heart and not feeling pain, because once your eyes open up to the truth about who you truly are, it will cause some pain. Maybe the pain can be knowing that the person inside isn’t that beautiful after all.

You will know the truth and the truth shall set you free

This is one of my favourite quotations, if not the favourite quotation. I’ve often applied it in my life, and I still apply it. Why is this short sentence so powerful? It’s because it is a key verse to take to heart, meditate upon, digest and finally apply. It is the truth about the truth; explaining and telling you exactly what you need to know in order for you to become a free person. A truthful person. An authentic person. A joyful person. And it all begins the day you get to know the truth about yourself.

Once we add up to the fact that we are living a lie and faking who we are, the process of becoming a free and authentic person can finally begin. Facing ourselves and not running away from the pain which it may cause. Facing the victim mentality, the flaws, the fears and insecurities. It’s like deleting junk-mail, only it’s not on the Internet but it’s the junk within us. Consequently we need to humble ourselves enough to be transparent before God. Placing the idea of who we are into the hands of the Creator and in return receiving the truth about who we are. That’s when healing will be released.

We all have a choice. Nobody else can choose for you. We can choose to allow others to choose for us, but the choice will ultimately be ours to make. In life we will face many opportunities to choose. However, one of the greatest choices we have to make is whether or not to live truthfully. Embracing the truth. Accepting the truth. Allowing the truth to transform and free you into that beautiful person that God created you to be. Don’t allow life or other people make you hide from the truth. Choose to know the truth today and stop hiding.

This post was last modified on December 7, 2024 11:02 am