6 Foods to Avoid Feeding a Bearded Dragon

Although there are many fruits, vegetables, and insects that are good to feed a bearded dragon, there are several things you should avoid.

There are obvious things to avoid feeding a bearded dragon, but there are some things that many owners may not know about. It’s always very important to provide your bearded dragon a balanced, proper diet to ensure it maintains the best health possible.

To make sure you do not mistakingly feed your bearded dragon, here are five foods to avoid feeding a bearded dragon.


Bearded dragons love lettuce, especially Bibb lettuces.

Unfortunately, lettuce is a vegetable you should avoid feeding a bearded dragon unless it’s an absolute emergency and it is all you have available.

Lettuce does not contain any nutritional value for a bearded dragon, and cause cause some digestive conditions such as diarrhea.

It might be tempting to offer your pet a little lettuce, but escarole, watercress, dandelion leaves, and kale is a much better food item.


Never, ever feed your bearded dragon fireflies. Fireflies are extremely toxic to bearded dragons and other reptiles.

You may think catching a few fireflies to feed your bearded dragon might be an easy, inexpensive treat, but be warned – fireflies can kill your beardie.

Avoid feeding a bearded dragon fireflies at all costs. If you let your pet roam around outdoors keep a watchful eye on it, and make sure the beardie doesn’t go after any wild insects, especially fireflies.


Avocados should never be feed to a bearded dragon. They have a high amount of oxalic acid which can be fatal to bearded dragon in very high doses. A small amount of avocado could make the bearded dragon ill, while large amounts over time could result in death for the lizard.

You should avoid feeding avocados to your bearded dragon and choose leafy greens as a good substitute.


Avoid feeding your bearded dragon rhubarb. Rhubarb is very toxic to bearded dragons and should be always avoided.

If you accidentally give your bearded dragon rhubarb, give him water immediately and contact a veterinarian.

Beet Tops

Beet tops are very nutritious, containing good levels of magnesium and vitamin A. Unfortunately, beet tops also contain a chemical that inhibits calcium absorption in bearded dragons.

The chemical bind calcium in the digestive system which prevents it from being absorbed into the blood stream. This can actually cause a calcium deficiency in your bearded dragon and can lead to Metabolic Bone Disease.

Beet tops can still be given to bearded dragons, but in moderation. Offering a few beet tops pieces once per month should be just fine. The bearded dragon will get plenty of the nutrients from the beet greens while not causing any long term health effects.


You should treat spinach the same as beet tops. Spinach contains the same calcium-binding chemical, which can lead to possible Metabolic Bone Disease. Spinach should be offered in very small amounts in moderation.

This post was last modified on December 14, 2024 2:36 pm