There are times when some nurses obviously lack common sense.
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(I suppose some of us ER nurses fall into that category)
Bạn đang xem: Fever vs. Warm Blanket
Like with fever and not giving blankets. I don’t know how many times I’ve overheard a shivering, patient asking for a blanket, only to be refused by the nurse because they have a fever. Ohh Gasp!* So what if they have a fever, I’ll say. “I don’t want their temperature going up, they’ll say.”
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Well look here’s the deal.
There are two main ways to the body’s temperature goes up. The first is when your body’s thermoregulatory mechanisms, coordinated in part by the hypothalamus, are overwhelmed by exogenous heat, i.e. you sit in a car on a hot summer day. Or lay out in the sun for 12 hours… This is hyperthermia. In this case by all means lets hold off on the blankets and go with the usual heat illness treatments: ice packs to the groin and neck, get a fan and maybe a cooling blanket.
Far more commonly (and in this case) you develop a fever from infection. Here, your hypothalamus has decided it is for the greater good to raise your temperature a few degrees in an effort to fight the disease. And warm blankets, cold shower, whatever isn’t going to change anything, your body’s just going to compensate to stay at the new set-point. You have to act on the hypothalamus directly, either by craniotomy or taking a tylenol to alter this setting.
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Now, just for the sake of argument, what if a blanket did raise a fever a degree or so. Is it gonna kill the patient? Is it gonna give that disease the upper hand?? No it’s simply going to provide some comfort to a shivering patient.
We take these people and strip them down, place them in ill-fitting gowns, stick them for blood, put fingers, plastic, and long rubber tubes in all their holes, keep them in a frightening environment, and restrict their families from seeing them. Then when they ask for a blanket we say no…..because you have a fever?!?!?!
In all my years as a paramedic and nurse and human for that matter, I have never seen a blanket kill anyone with a fever.
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