I found your answer! While it looks to be safe in the quantities they state, they have to label with the warning to pregnant or nursing mommas. “I” would not be concerned about drinking a cup or two while pregnant or nursing.
Licorice root is one of the most widely used medicinal herbs today and has been employed therapeutically for several thousand years in western and eastern systems of Traditional Herbal Medicine. It is also one of the most widely used herbs in many Traditional Medicinals®’ herbal formulas. We are occasionally asked about its safety and about some reports that it may contribute to potassium loss and raising of blood pressure.According to the World Health Organization (WHO) licorice monograph, no adverse effects have been associated with licorice root when it is used within normal therapeutic dosage and treatment period limits. On prolonged use (longer than 6 weeks regular daily ingestion) at overdose levels (greater than 50,000 mg daily), sodium and water retention and potassium loss may occur, accompanied by hypertension, edema, hypokalemia, and, in rare cases, myoglobinuria.Licorice adverse events have generally been associated with the overdose or binge eating of licorice candies, which may contain concentrated extracts of licorice root. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), licorice root is affirmed as Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) for use, among other things, as a flavoring agent or flavor enhancer in candies, foods, dietary supplements as well as nonalcoholic beverages including herbal teas.In a clinical study involving our Throat Coat® herbal tea, which contains both licorice root and licorice extract as primary ingredients, there were no significant changes in systolic or diastolic blood pressure measured during the course of the study with patients drinking 4-6 cups of tea daily.
Bạn đang xem: Traditional medicinals throat coat and nursing?
But I love Throat Coat!! My DH is now addicted to the spearmint tea that Traditional Medicinals has, they make such a high quality line of teas. I was reading through their facts, and noticed a blurb on fluoride- interesting, I knew that tea had some fluoride which many people don’t know, they say they test their teas and have none detected, stating that the higher quality the tea, the less fluoride it normally has. I found that interesting.
They are more expensive but I am happy Walmart has a full line now (I hate Walmart but will buy what I need cheaper!)
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