At Spring Forward Physical Therapy, we offer Cold Laser Therapy (also known as LLLT, low-level light therapy) as well as traditional physical therapy modalities such as Ultrasound and Electrical Stimulation. However, we have found Cold Laser’s usage increasing as our patients have been improving better and faster. Many physical therapy practices shy away from Cold Laser Therapy due to the cost to the clinic of purchasing that machine and applicator. However, at Spring Forward PT, it has shown us such great results that we feel it is too important to the rehabilitation process to worry about the cost. Hopefully, in time, more practices will offer Cold Laser Therapy too so that more patients will have all the tools they need to rehabilitate as well as possible.
Cold Laser uses light energy at various wavelengths depending on the purpose needed and the injury being treated. The light energy promotes a photochemical reaction which increases cellular metabolism. This will expedite cell repair by creating more ATP and it stimulates the immune, lymphatic, nervous and circulatory system. The benefit that Cold Laser Therapy has is the depth that it can penetrate. Research has shown that Cold Laser can penetrate over 5 centimeters, which is more than 2 inches. This is perfect for getting into joint spaces of great depth and deeper into fleshy tissue. Unlike with Ultrasound, the speckle field created allows for the tissue to affect the entire depth of penetration. This makes it very efficient and effective.
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Cold Laser alone has shown to help reduce scar tissue, inflammation, adhesions, and pain. It also will create more cell activity to increase the speed of recovery in most cases. When used in addition to our PT treatments, we are giving our patients the best chance to recover fully. Cold Laser is just one of the many tools we use to stay up to date with innovative technology when it comes to patient care.
Some injuries that LLLT has been effective in treating are:
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– Sprains (Ligament & tendon injuries) – Muscle strains – Wounds and abrasions – Hematomas bruises – Inflammation – Joint injuries – Myofascial trigger points, pain points, and deep-tissue acupuncture points – Chronic & acute pain – Bone FracturesSports Injuries (Return to sport faster, professional athlete) – Sports Injuries (Return to sport faster, professional athlete)
To determine if Cold Laser is right for you, contacts one of our physical therapists. We are located in Manhattan’s Upper East Side and offer One on One treatments with manual focused care that we support with exercise. We also work with most insurance companies.
By Lynn Berman
Danh mục: Info
This post was last modified on December 13, 2024 9:33 am