My troubles started on 10/5/14. I had symptoms of an acute kidney stone attack, was hospitalized for 1 day, and had a follow-up CAT scan 1 month later to check on the location of the stone. The results showed a 5mm stone in the lower left ureter. As time passed, I followed up with a urologist on 11/13/14 who had me do another follow up CAT scan and eventually told me the stone must have passed as it was not seen on the CAT scan.

From 11/13/14 (after my follow up with the urologist), I continuously experienced symptoms consistent with Interstitial Cystitis (i.e. pain, burning, frequency, urgency, stinging with and without urination). It was during the month of December 2014 (now 2 months after my kidney stone attack, and under the impression the stone was no longer present), I began doing deep research on the internet about cystitis, it’s symptoms, and natural remedies to help it. I came across a blog mentioning D-Mannose powder. I purchased a bottle of it and it did help to calm things on and off. My primary care physician, after doing a total of 3 separate urinalysis testings, stated there was “no bacteria growth” on each test I did. The entire month of January 2015 – into the new year – I had what I refer to as very painful “flares” where I would develop urgency, frequency, and intense burning and stinging upon urination, and each time my bladder would start to ‘fill’ again.

Around the beginning of March, I began to comb the internet in an attempt to find SOMETHING that could alleviate my symptoms without having to undergo the expense of a cystography (recommended by a new/second urologist I went to back in January). It was then that I stumbled upon an ad mentioning DESERT ALOE. It intrigued me and I visited the DesertHarvest website and read the multiple reviews on the product. Many women mentioned how much it helped with their cystitis. So I ordered a bottle of 60. It arrived sooner than I anticipated and I began using it the same day it arrived—3 capsules twice a day. After about 1 week of use, I noticed a remarkable “calming” of my urinary symptoms.

Today (March 25, 2015), about 2 weeks into using Super-Strength Freeze-Dried Aloe, I ACTUALLY PASSED A 5mm KIDNEY STONE early this morning!!!!!!!!!! This was the culprit of the multitude of agonizing symptoms I bore for almost 6 months from the onset of the kidney stone attack (10/5/14). I was shocked and relieved at the same time and wondered how it was possible that a jagged stone of this size remained in my bladder for this long! Then things came clearly into focus for me. I realized it was only when I started using the Super Strength Aloe capsules, that perhaps it made the inside of my bladder more “slippery” and somehow caused the stone to finally dislodge. (I had read about aloe containing “mucilage” which has a strong anti-inflammatory effect so I felt I had nothing to lose by trying Desert Aloe). I am not out of the woods yet, as I still have some burning and mild stinging (after having passed a kidney stone), so to be certain this all clears completely, I’ve ordered my 2nd bottle of Super Strength Aloe capsules as a maintenance treatment in the event the symptoms come back again.

I am VERY thankful that I finally found a natural product to help with my urinary discomfort and pain. Super Strength Freeze Dried Aloe capsules have been an absolute God-send for me as it not only caused a calming effect on my bladder I hadn’t felt in many months, but it helped to dislodge an almost 6-month old kidney stone from my bladder! A huge weight has been removed from my chest after finding this product. I highly recommend it for anyone who either was diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis, or Painful Bladder Syndrome (like I was), or for anyone with ongoing symptoms of urinary tract discomfort in general. Reasonably priced for 90-capsules and definitely worth trying!