I had no intentions of sharing this journey until recently. These photos were meant for my own private use and documentation. However, as I found myself scouring the internet for answers which we all seem to do in these situations, I thought I may be of some help to someone out there suffering with the same affliction. I hope my words and discoveries offer hope, and maybe a few tools to help fight, and win, their own battle.
It was around mid-January of this year when it started.
A stinging sensation on my upper lip. Ugh, another cold sore I thought. I coated my lips with Abreva and downed L-Lysine supplements.
Bạn đang xem: My Perioral Dermatitis
Rewind about a decade (oh my). In my early twenties I was plagued with my first cold sore break-out. It was bad – and lasted several weeks. Throughout the following several years, I had minor break-outs and then one day, they just vanished for good.
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But there I was, January 2016, and they were back, so I thought…
The Abreva and L-Lysine didn’t seem to be working because the tingling and bumps started to spread like wild fire. They spread across my lips, and then they spread AROUND my lips. Bright red clusters of bumps. They tingled, burned, and itched. There was no relief – no escaping from the constant discomfort. And no hiding either – except in my home which is exactly where I parked myself for the weeks proceeding.
In an attempt to heal this rash, this nuisance, naturally, I applied a plethora of products to my face: Aquafore, Vitamin E Oil, Greek Yogurt, Avocado, Breast Milk (I was still nursing my youngest), Peppermint Essential Oil, Apple Cider, Vinegar, and Ice.
Nothing seemed to be working.
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At this point I had ruled out a cold sore break-out, and with a trip to Mexico just DAYS away and a rash that continued to get WORSE, I went to the Med Center. It was there I was diagnosed with Perioral Dermatitis and the prognosis was hard to swallow. “It usually plagues women between 20-40 years of age, the cause is unknown for most, and it can take weeks to months to rid of.” OH, and “stay out of the sun”.
Just what you want to hear with a tropical vacation a few days out. I left with an antibiotic and cream script, and very little hope.
That night I applied the cream to my face. Oh boy did it burn. But, I went to bed and tried my best to will the pain away as I drifted to sleep. Hah, sleep. That was virtually a sleepless night, and in the morning when I accessed the inflamed itchy red mess that was my face, it had gotten WORSE. It was leaking, my friends. Leaking and crusting – on repeat. The corners of my mouth had split. It was painful to talk, and just forget about eating…
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