Exclusion criteria
The study was approved by Institutional Ethics Committee. The study was carried out in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. Patients with clinical symptoms and signs of blepharitis and with non-specific irritation of eyes in the night, of all age groups and both sexes, attending the outpatient department in a South Indian Eye Hospital, were diagnosed and recruited for the study. An informed consent taken from the patient. Patients underwent routine examinations like Visual Acuity, anterior segment examination under slit lamp, face examination done for signs of Rosacea and detailed corneal examination done for blepharokeratitis
Digital photographs of the findings taken
Bạn đang xem: Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology
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Topical local anaesthetic instilled. Under slit lamp, lash sampling performed by epilating the lashes along with its root, specifically the lashes with crusts and dandruff material were epilated. Two eyelashes per eyelid epilated and placed separately on each end of glass slides and marking of lashes done. A cover slip is mounted on the samples. Normal saline is slowly pipetted at the edges of the cover slip to surround the lashes using microipette.
Lashes were then observed under 10x and 40x magnification of light microscope immediately. Under microscope, status of the lash including the location of crusts and dandruff in relation to the follicle was noted. Number of demodex mites and their location in relation to follicle and crusts noted. Morphology of the mites and their movements were noted. Digital photographs and videos taken.
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Patients who were negative for demodex mites were treated with standard blepharitis treatment. Some patients who were positive for demodex were treated with coconut oil application over the lid margins, thrice a day. Before starting coconut oil in first patient, commercially available coconut oil was given for microbiological assessment before and after sterilization with hot air oven. It tested negative for both bacteria and fungal cultures. Patients were followed up after 3 weeks and looked for resolution of signs and symptoms and sampling done again to look for Demodex mites.
Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS trial version. The quantitative variables were reported as the mean ± standard deviation. The Chi square (X2), Student’s t-test was used to compare means of normally distributed data and the Fisher’s exact test to compare categorical data. Statistical significance was considered at P < 0.05.
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