Living nutrition Calcium content of cream cheese is questionable

Living nutrition Calcium content of cream cheese is questionable

Living nutrition Calcium content of cream cheese is questionable

does cream cheese have calcium

A reader typed an e-mail to me. I encourage all of you to take note of the e-mail address listed below and do the same when a food or nutrition question is burning a hole in your brain. Quick answers are not always on my fingertips but I will research to find one for you.

What is up with cream cheese? Since it is made from milk, why does it have so little calcium, the woman asked? The word cream can be used as a noun, as well as an adjective, and since the product is white like milk, what is up with the low calcium content?

The holiday season is a popular time for cream cheese. Cheesecakes to cookies are made with this item. I am not surprised the woman wanted as much information as possible about this versatile product.

Thefor cream cheese states that only 2 percent of the daily recommended requirement of calcium is obtained from one serving of cream cheese. That is not much at all.

Cream cheese has less calcium than other cheeses because it has a high water content. Compared to many other cheeses, it is also lower in protein and sodium than many of the other cheeses. The reason that cream cheese is so soft and creamy is the same as if you were whipping anything else. The more the product is whipped with additional water added to it, the less nutrients it will contain. But … you knew there was a BUT coming … in order to maintain its creaminess, a lot more fat is added to the cheese to keep it soft and velvety.

To put it simply, cream cheese is made from milk with an abundance of extra fat and water. The added fat keeps the calories per ounce similar to the other cheeses but the extra water in this product reduces the other nutrients.

If you are looking for a high calcium cheese look for the hard, low-fat cheeses like parmesan and romano. These cheeses have 15 times more calcium – 336 grams compared to 23 grams of cream cheese calcium. But who would make a cheesecake using parmesan cheese? These cheeses go with tomato sauce, not a graham cracker crust.

Popular cheeses like American, brick, Swiss, muenster, gruyer, brie, edam and Monterey jack are all higher in calcium than cream cheese. They have the same amount of fat but less water. Look for the low fat versions of these popular cheeses for more calcium.

If cheese is the primary source of calcium in the diet, remember that only 300-400 milligrams of calcium can be absorbed at a time by the gut. A grilled cheese sandwich with tomato soup and a glass of milk could provide over 800 milligrams of calcium but only half of the calcium will be absorbed. Wait at least two hours between intakes of calcium rich foods or supplements.

Cream cheese in desserts is a yummy way to celebrate the holidays. If you are looking for more calcium from cheese make spaghetti and load on the shaky cheese in the round green box.

Bobbie Randall is a registered, licensed dietitian in Wooster and works for Buehler’s Fresh Foods. She welcomes comments or questions at

This post was last modified on December 7, 2024 3:26 am