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Thanks for the post!
Yeah, it wasn’t meant to be totally neutral, I mean, I saw what I saw and the rest it how I personally feel about and view the situation, described as accurately as possible through my observations of his personality. I am bothered by it at this point, but I don’t know if I should be or not. We have been dating for over a year and half and are for the most part happy. He’s not the flirty type, even before we started dating he wasn’t towards girls. But, as I’ve posted on here before, I had an issue of jealousy and insecurity about his physical preference for red hair which I don’t have – since the post it hit its worst when I was checking out this music forum he goes to and saw a recent post of his about a show he went to that I wasn’t able to attend. He said in the post that one of the bands was really boring and that while they were playing he was “outside hitting on a hot red head” (his last crush, who had red hair, and who he hadn’t seen for a long time was there). After all the worrying I did prior to that (seen in my past post), that just put me over the edge – he said that it wasn’t true and it was just a “guy thing” to brag like that. I was upset he wasn’t bragging about me, didn’t take me into consideration when he said it, and so on. We broke up for a couple days and got back together and I eventually got over it. But, ever since then I guess I still kind of worry and get jealous- that might have something to do with how I feel about this situation, I don’t know. Anyway, snooping around his myspace isn’t something I commonly do, in fact I rarely go on there – I was doing everything I could to procrastinate writing a term paper, and looked down at his comment section to see if his friend responded about something music related when I saw it and then got curious.
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