I tried past life regression and what I discovered about my life before this one was absolutely fascinating

I tried past life regression and what I discovered about my life before this one was absolutely fascinating

I tried past life regression and what I discovered about my life before this one was absolutely fascinating

life regression therapy near me

There are acceptable levels of hippie. Crystal-toting is fine, almost expected these days. A bit of reiki is the step above, combined with cosmic chat about the ‘universe’ and chakras. That’s when people tend to drop off, TBH. Heart chakras, shamanic healing and cacao ceremonies are most people’s woo woo limit/nightmare. But they’re not mine. I have zero limits around what I’ll try in pursuit of wellness. And the one thing I’ve always wanted to try? Past life regression, I figure that digging about in my past lives could hold some clues to feelings I’m experiencing today.

It’s kismet too; I happen to meet Fiongal Greenlaw aka The Wellness Foundry when I’m taking an excellent tarot class he’s teaching. He mentions in passing he’s a past life regression practitioner (among a host of other things) and within a few weeks I’m booked in, sitting in a chair, about to undertake something that pushes even pushes my boundaries. So what is it? “Past life regression is a gentle healing technique that takes you on a hypnotic journey, safely into a past life time. I never convince people of their past-lives, in a spiritual form or otherwise, it’s more of an exploration to represent the power of the subconscious mind,” he explains.

I like the sound of that, it takes the fright factor out of it a bit (I do have some trepidation about what I could unleash – what if I was like, Satan, in another life?) as does its spiritual usage: “Past lives can be found in most Eastern religions, Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism and Jainism, and they come in different forms,” he explains. Those five types are fascinating. ‘Past life memory’ is where your soul takes on a new physical form (ie…you) but it carries memories of its former reincarnation. There’s ‘inherited memory’ which comes from our ancestors (“in particular through the mother,” says Fiongal.) ‘Cryptomnesia’ is when you can pick up on collective thought-forms, for example from other people’s memories, ‘parallel lives’ is when we pull through a life from alternative universe and imagination, which is simply accessing the subconscious.

So what am I hoping to get from it? Well, there are certain things I wonder about myself. I’m so pulled to certain eras in history in a borderline obsessive way and I have some emotional stuff I can’t explain – like always feeling abandoned – when that’s never actually happened to me. Therapy hasn’t been able to shift it, so I wonder if past life regression could bring me some resolution on that, or even just some insight. And, I often have this nostalgic feeling of deja vu in certain places, which some say we get when we’re somewhere that we’ve been in a past life. Like a merger of the former and present, which is kinda beautiful, when you think about it.

This post was last modified on December 6, 2024 4:38 am