1. Wash your hands.
2. Rinse the lens with preservative-free saline (Purilens, Addipak, Lacri Pure, or ScleralFil or NutriFill) before applying the lens.
Bạn đang xem: Scleral Contact Lens Handle and Care
3. Center the lens on the large plunger and fill the lens withpreservative free saline until you see a convex layer of fluid. It will look like it is going to overflow.
4. Look straight down into the contact lens through the hole in the bottom of the plunger.
5. Lean forward with your head your head down and tuck your chin to your chest, making sure your face is parallel to the counter/table and open eyelids as wide as needed.
6. When you feel the cold liquid KEEP PUSHING until you feel a little pressure.
7. Lens should feel comfortable and the vision should be clear. If it is not, you may have a bubble, you can use a small flashlight to look for a bubble.
Removal Instructions
Xem thêm : U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Since the scleral lens is large, the capillary forces which hold the lens on the eye are powerful. Removal is always best done bylifting the edge to eliminate this force. Attempting to pull the lens from the center will create negative pressure and will rarely be successful.
1. Moisten the plunger and your eye(s) with several drops of preservative free saline solution.
2. Place the small skinny plunger on the lens at the temporal EDGE so that the plunger is just inside the edge of the lens.
3. Lift the EDGE of the lens and remove the lens from the eye.
4. Once you remove lens from eye it may stick to the plunger. DO NOT pull or pop off the skinny plunger or you may damage the lens.
5. Hold the attached lens with one hand and the skinny plunger with the other hand and gently twist and slide the skinny plunger up and off the contact lens.
6.If lens is tugging and not coming out easily do not panic, it means your eye is not wet enough to break suction, just use more preservative free saline in your eye.
- Let lenses soak for a minimum of 6 hours to over-night.
- Pour out solution and let case air dry in the morning.
- Note:Lenses cannot be removed before 6 hours. Vial/case must be changed after 90 uses.
- Can be purchased at most drugstores or online
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Filling:Preservative Free Saline Solution
Rinse and FILL scleral lenses with preservative-free saline vials. Once opened the saline must be used or thrown away, do not save for later use.
Preservative-free saline vials:
Addipak: www.exmed.net or www.vitalitymedical.com
Lacri Pure: www.meniconamerica.com
ScleralFil: www.bausch.com
Nutrifill: www.nutrifill.com
Purilens: Purilens.com.com
- Purilens is a preservative free saline bottle that may be used only for rinsing lenses.
- Once bottle is opened it needs to be discarded after 15 days of opening.
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