What ART is:
- Interactive
- Client-centered
- Brief (1-5 sessions) – Rapid Relief
- Client-led psychodynamic intervention
- Process oriented with goal to achieve resolution
- Directive (The therapist will guide you when you’re confused or stuck)
- Uses eye movements to change the way information is stored in the brain (memory reconsolidation)
Please know first and foremost, that you are always in control of what happens.
Bạn đang xem: Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART)
A typical ART session starts with the therapist asking you to do a full body scan. This allows us to establish a baseline for your current physical state. The ART process will then take you between focusing on the issue/challenge or problem you are seeking relief from and your current physical sensations.
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You will be asked to visualize the issue, challenge, problem or trauma you are seeking relief from in its entirety, which will present itself in session – so individuals who might have difficulty recalling a memory prior to session or have blocked part of the memory, the process will still work.
Rapid eye movements are utilized at all stages of an ART session, not only to facilitate visualizing the event, but also to help with any strong emotional or physical sensations that occur during the process.
ART will have you focus on potentially difficult images even the images you have been trying to avoid. This is called memory recall and while difficult, these memories will be broken-up into segments that last about 30 seconds.
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This process of memory recall will alternate with targeted sensation awareness. As the physical and emotional stressors emerge you will be helped with a desensitizing procedure to reduce the physical and emotional impact of the memories.
ART allows you to erase those stuck images, sensations and/or problems. Preparing you and your brain to replace them with solutions for their targeted images or memories. This use of voluntary image replacement is supported by research which shows that when trauma-related memories are merged with positive experiences, distressing memories become less intrusive.
The ART process slows your reactive stress response through body awareness and memory reprocessing – which makes it a truly amazing treatment.
We would love to see you reap the benefits of ART. Give us a call today!
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