The email arrived with just the subject heading – What To Do If A Cancer Man Is Ignoring You? – no message text, no context. So, thinking it might be an Ask Mystic question, I replied and the email was returned; this users mailbox is full – their quota exceeded. How Mercury Retrograde is this?!
But what if the Cancer man in question had also tried to reach this person?! It’s poignant to imagine. So, for the full-mailbox person and anyone who may be interested, here is my answer to the question.
Bạn đang xem: What To Do If A Cancer Man Is Ignoring You?
First, assess the obvious. Are your in-boxes and so on all working? Could this person actually reach you if they wanted to?
Next, figure out whether he is, in fact, ignoring you? Tough Love Time: Could he be oblivious to your existence? If yes, this is Love Zombie territory. Pull out pronto and engage L.Z Protocol.
Cancer People Are Tacticians
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Once you’ve established that the thing with Crab-Man is real and a legit going concern, formulate a plan.
Unlike some Sun Signs, Cancerians do not usually withdraw as a way of ending the relationship. If they want to break up with you, they will do that dialogue. They are not Space Addicts. They’re into intimacy and proximity. They wield absence as a weapon and will deploy it if they feel emotionally threatened.
Cancer People are tacticians, wily and strategic about everything. They also perceive about 60% more of your emotions and psyche than they will let on to you. The Cancerian E.Q. is off-the-scale. Do not try to out-game them. They’ll pick up on fake nonchalance or information probes. They sense aura fluctuations FFS.
In their mind, they’re powerful within their shell/fortress and waiting for the other person to (1) figure out what the transgression was and address it in a meaningful fashion. Or (2) accuse them of having withdrawn for a petty reason. Ie: “you shouldn’t have felt that way – it was nothing.”
In either case, the Cancer Man will do dialogue but probably resort to psychological warfare if you frame their withdrawal as unnecessary. High-Vibe Cancers are good at discussing emotions and expressing their feelings. The Low Vibe ones evoke Iron Curtain levels of gaslighting and manipulative interrogations.
Don’t Attempt To Out-Space Them
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Whatever you do, don’t attempt to out-space them. That works with Aquarius people – ignoring them is an aphrodisiac. It can also be effective with the Fire Signs, arousing their competitive instincts. But Cancerians will just settle in like it’s a siege and they’ve got enough grain stores, pentacles + mead for a century.
Worse, they pick up on when someone is even thinking about them. Any Water Sign has this knack but Cancer in particular. They may not be able to detect the exact timbre of the thoughts but they’ll be able to get meta-data: lust, yearning, social stalking.
So to answer the original question, if you want them gone, just delete, block etc. If not, identify the precise issue in play and streamline it into an eloquent delineation. Wait until the three days before the Full Moon (when Cancerians are at their highest consciousness) and hit send.
Image: Erwin Olaf
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