On today’s blog, Dr. Andrew Cohen answers some of the most frequently asked questions about breast reduction surgery:
Will I be getting a lift as part of a breast reduction? The answer is yes. The breast tissue and the skin are removed and the nipple and the areola are raised to a higher location. The lift is a part of the breast reduction procedure.
Bạn đang xem: Breast Reduction Frequently Asked Questions
Will I have scars? I prefer the Wise Pattern incision which is a T-incision. This is the best way to give a woman an attractive shape that is round and elevated to a youthful position.
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Is it painful? I do a special anesthesia block of the breast with lidocaine and marcaine so that patients don’t hurt post-operatively. But there can be soreness of the sides associated with liposuction, which I frequently do with the breast reduction.
Why do I need liposuction? Liposuction of the axilla and the pre-pectoral fat (near your armpit) helps alleviate the extra pouch of fat on the side of the breast. This helps me contour and reshape the breast. I like when a breast reduction looks natural and round like an implant. I can contour the breast tissue to make it look round without an implant.
View breast reduction before-and-after photos.
Will I have sensation? Yes. My patients maintain sensation around their nipple. There can be some intermittent loss of sensation for a few weeks but, after that, it should return.
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Will insurance cover my surgery for a breast reduction? For insurance to cover a breast reduction you have to remove approximately 500 grams of tissue from each side. This can vary depending on your insurance company. You have to prove you have had symptoms of large heavy breasts that haven’t improved with medical management – symptoms such as neck pain, shoulder grooves, rashes under your breasts, neck and back pain. Documentation from your doctor or chiropractor can help get this authorized.
How long with the surgery take? The surgery will take approximately four hours and the recovery time is one to two weeks. No heavy lifting for four weeks. Return to exercise after about four to six weeks.
Why is this the favorite operation of Dr. Cohen? Over the last decade or so I have been fortunate to specialize in breast surgery. I enjoy making patients smaller with a breast reduction. They are my most happy patients. All of our patients love that, not only do they look thinner, but also that their symptoms of neck pain and back pain will frequently improve.
Please contact our practice for more information on breast reduction surgery, or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Cohen
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